December 7, 2016
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD

Munitions batteries are here defined broadly to include batteries for gun-fired munitions, rockets, missiles, bombs, mines, and other exploding devices that are used for one-shot, non-maintainable, always-ready applications, roles that have traditionally been filled by reserve batteries. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists, technologists, program managers, system designers, and users from government agencies, research labs, private companies, universities, and program offices to understand, exchange information on, and discuss the present, the past, and the future of munitions batteries to bring about a new vision and new pathways for munitions battery technologies going forward. As this workshop is really about the future, we seek to bring together people not only from the traditional technology area, but also from other fields such as active batteries, computer modeling, novel materials, non-conventional energy sources, and system designers. 


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